10 Things You NEED to Do Before Going to Your Dental Appointment

1. You should brush (and floss)!
You dentist can tell if you have been brushing and flossing without all the extra bits of food between your teeth, so brush before your appointment!

2. Confirm you appointment
If you haven’t been called to confirm your appointment, it helps to give a quick call so that the reception staff know to expect you!

3. Complete intake forms
If you booked an appointment and you were not asked to fill out digital forms before the appointment, you should arrive 15mins early so that everything runs on time.

4. Find out your insurance coverage and know what percentage you may need to pay out of pocket
You can call your insurance company and ask about your coverage, the contact details are on the back of the card. If you send a copy to your dentist, they can also check this for you! Make sure you know what was done at a previous dentist in the last year. If you are coming in to look at a tooth that was previously treated, it helps to request your x-rays so that your radiation exposure can be limited.

5. Take pre-medications as advised
If you are coming for a subsequent appointment, your dentist might have advised or prescribed medication for you to take. Make sure you have taken the medication at the correct time you were advised to! If you have taken any medications prior to your appointment that wasn’t prescribed by your dentist, make sure you let her/him know what you have taken.

6. Eat something (unless told otherwise)
If you are getting a filling, or coming in for a toothache, the dentist may need to do freezing. This can make it tough to eat as the food can dribble out of your mouth! If you are coming for a cleaning, the dentist may apply fluoride and advise you not to eat or drink for 30mins. So make sure you are fed (but not too much) and hydrated unless told otherwise!
If you think you might need sedation, call and ask if you can eat something, as you may need to fast.

7. Go to the washroom
Have you ever needed to use the washroom midway through a dental procedure? You can spend less time at the dentist if you are prepared and have gone to the washroom before your appointment!

8. Arrange for a buddy to come along
If you are getting sedation, bring a buddy with you, as you may need help getting home after the appointment. If you are bringing a child along to your appointment, your buddy can keep your child company in the waiting room while you receive your dental treatment.

9. Bring your medications or write them down on a list
If you have a complex medical history, you probably already have a list from your doctor that you bring to every medical or dental appointment. Instead of trying to remember what you take, make a list and put it in your wallet or purse, or bring in the bottles/boxes for the medications. If you make a list, make sure it has the name of the medication, the dose, and how often you take it.

10. Bring relevant appliances
Not kitchen appliances! But things like, nightguards, mouth guards and dentures. If you have a concern about your appliance, the dentist will need to look at it.